Wednesday, May 23, 2012

If I had a Chinese daughter

Right now, there are lots of closing ceremonies going on at Sias Univesity. And several of my American friends are over there now, joining in the celebration and I am insanely jealous.  Below is an email I got from Robert who is on campus for the first time.  I told Selia that she had to serve as his personal translator.  As ususal, she has taken this request with gusto and enthusiasm.  And if Robert comes home and starts referring to Selia as his BFF, he is in trouble.

if I had a Chinese daughter

On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Robert Ford <> wrote:

> ... you know who I'd want it to be, don't you?

Thank you for introducing me to Selia, Bridget. She is such an absolute delight to be around. I already know that like you, I'm going to really miss a lot of the students when I return to the US, but Selia has already hollowed out a Selia-shaped place in my heart that I'll have with me for the rest of my life.
 In my three years with the Jefferson Awards, I was blessed to meet and get to know many wonderful young adults. I would always find myself wondering how and why they'd blossomed so early, and into such beautiful people. Listening to Selia talk about her background, hearing her love for her family and her burning desire to help others less fortunate than herself, I see an age-old wisdom in her, and a maturity so far beyond her years.

 Yesterday was a very emotional day for me. I've always been very empathic, and so the Women's Symposium had me in floods of happy tears by the end of the day. At the mother and daughter's tea party that closed the day, I felt blessed to see mothers and daughters share their stories with the Academy. It was very intimate, very moving, very special. Among them  Gloria sang with her mother, Amber gave such a heartfelt speech to her mother and Susanna and her mother's obvious devotion to each other had the whole room in tears.

As the tea party came to a close, Selia got back from her TOEFL exam, and I found myself in proud father mode, hungry to know how she'd done. I took her for dinner, and we walked and talked and walked and talked for five hours.  I think I've almost exceeded my 'blessed' quotient for this note, but I'm very happy that Selia has put down roots in my heart.
 I took lots and lots of pictures yesterday, so I'll try to get them loaded onto PIcasa and share the album with you.

> Robert


1 comment:

  1. I have spoken with Selia myself . I understand. I am jealous of this walk and talk. We are made bolder, kinder, gentler, more thoughtful by her. Thanks,


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