Monday, April 2, 2012

I was sick today...

I was sick today and had to cancel classes. I picked up my first bout of food poisoning and it was a rough day.  Regardless, I was really going to try to get to class.  But that idea causes too much commotion among my students.  Several of them stopped by to offer their suggestions on what I needed to do.  The consistent suggestions:  drink more hot water.  It is good for the body.  Amber brought over a pineapple.  Selia bought me yogurt.  Nadia sent the word out to everyone that there will be no classes tonight.  Gloria and Cornia stopped by to make sure I didn't need to the hospital.  Gabriella called me on Skype. And a few others stopped by as well.  But I didn't have the energy to answer my door.  Being sick around here is very busy work.

Dear Bridget
I'm sorry to hear that you are sick, I hope you take care of yourself well. And we need you. I know that  your feeling is bad now, but I want you happy more. Drinking more hot water is good for your body. And having a rest. Best wishes for you!!!
(From Kelly Zhang)

Cathy Chen says:
I am sorry to hear you are sick. Please get more rest, do not work all the time. Take care of yourself well!  Love you

Our sisters told me you are ill, so are you ok now? The weather is changable and dry, so drink more water and have a good rest .In addition, I have got my EQ report.  From Wendy

Bridget: I have heard that maybe you are ill, so I come to visit you.  You are not at dorm.  I hope you will be better soon.  I think you have too many classes, so you are tired and then result to ill.  Hope be better soon.  Alice

Dear Bridget:, I hear that your body  is uncomfortable, I think you should  go to see a doctor and have a good rest. Hope you get better soon! Emily

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