Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm So Glad

I'm So Glad
A Message from Olivia
SIAS University
Henan Province, China
Fall 2012

During the Fall 2011, Jerrie (the President of WAFW) asked people to send children's books to her.  She collected over 2000 books from the people of Arizona.  All of these piles of books sat in her garage while she tried to find a sponsor to pay for the shipping cost to send these books to Sias Univesity.  No sponsor stepped forth so Jerrie paid the $1600 shipping costs.  The books arrived last week and several of the students in the WAFW are going to take books home to their remote villages this summer.  All of the books that Jerrie collected are in English.  However, the head librarian in Henan Providence (China) was so impresed with Jerrie's efforts that she is now collecting Chinese books from the city people in Zhenghou and she plans to give these bboks to our WAFW students so that they can take these books to their remote villages as well.  These books will be the only books these children have.

Below is an email I received today from Olivia:

Dear coffee mother ,

I have a good news and want to share with you .
Do you remebre the project about give books to village , and this sarterday we will go to benyuan library in henan province and take 100 books back to SIAS, then at this holiday we will take this books back to village .

I am so glad with that .

May you happy everyday


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