Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ai Wei Wei- a movie recommendation

I just saw this movie at the Bryn Mawr Film Institute and it was fantastic.  It is a documentary film about  Ai Wei Wei, a Chinese artist, who is critical of the Chinese government. The film follows him for two or three years as his political life in China becomes more and more difficult for him.

I found it particularly interesting since I had several discussions with my Chinese students about the role of government in modern China.  From their point of view, the Communist Party is dead and no real part of their lives.  They do not see their government as oppressive.  They recognize that they do not have complete access to information on the Internet or other media.  But that does not seem to bother them.  They said they had to trust that the government officials know what is best for the collective good and the citizens should just  accept this censorship.  And as long as they lived within these perimeters, everything is fine.

I mentioned the movie to Selia but she did not express any interest in seeing it.

Ai Wei Wei

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