Nov. 2012 Gabriella will be coming to the USA in January for a month. She will be studying in a special program in Arizona and I am planning on connecting with her. While she is here, I am hoping that I can get her to watch the documentary , Ai WeiWei, the Chinese artist who is in trouble with the Chinese governemtn because of his views on their suppression.
April 2012- I asked Gabreilla to write an article on the Dali Lhama and I am really impressed with what she wrote. I told her that I would publish her thoughts without any editing. But I did ask her to approach her arguements in a scholarly manner rather than an emotinal manner. Her thoughts were publisehd last week in a blog titled "Gabriella". She is eager to receive comments so feel free to read it and make commnets which I will forward on to her. Now, I want to hear her thoughts on Mao. They all love Mao over there. "He saved our country".
On Apr 22, 2012, at 8:50 PM, "空白thinking"<> wrote:
I finally finished it, as a gift for you cause you love Dalai ,but I said some bad things on him
Apr 25 (1 day ago)
where are you now? stay with your friends in Canada? I want to skype you now, but pity that this month I did't pay for my Internet acess. I am in Sias library and computers here don't have skype. I have to remind you that here in China is 9 pm. we have already been separeted to different patrs of the world
Much of the world don't like Mao? why? actually he is not a perfect man, some of the Chinese people don't like him either, but he is really a great person.
you are my dear leader and I will take your advice to write an article on him.
In addition, remenber give the remarks on your blog to me, and I am happy to hear that I encouraged some of you to do some research.
主题: Re: dalailama
Ok, so what is the next piece you are going to write for me.
Bridget E. Kelly, DEd
On Apr 25, 2012, at 5:44 AM, "空白thinking"<> wrote
have you arrived to America? we all cried when you left,but you are you cruel-hearted ,just said goodbye and left us emotionlessly.We miss you so much.When we come back to our class that morning,we have a mid-term text,our teacher saw my crying face just thought I am over pressured ,
You want the next piece? Okay, but I have to find more materials. I t took me about 1 week to finish the rirst part,so it's not a easy work to pursuade Americans who like Dalailama to agree with me, but I promise I will finish the after season as soon as possible. You are my loyal reader now Bridget
主题: Re: 回复: dalailama
I am not home yet. My plane got stuck in Canada so I should get home some time this afternoon. I was able to connect with some friends. They read your blog on the Dali Lhama. You haven't convinced them but you have encouraged them to do some research. Why don't you write about Mao. Much of the world doesn't like him so your comments should be interesting. You are a very good writer.
Your cruel hearted friend.
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